Khalid Rashid Al Zayani OBE
Honorary Chairman
Alzayani Investments Group Of Companies
PO Box 5553
Manama-Kingdom of Bahrain
T:+973 1753 0808
F:+973 1753 0818
Size of the company: Large
Number of employees: Over 2,000
Type of company: Privately Owned
Al Zayani Investments B.S.C (Closed) is a dynamic company with a proven track record. It derives its strength from its local solid foundation and its worldwide network of contacts.
A policy of investment in profitable national and international businesses and willingness to engage in rewarding joint ventures have established Al Zayani Investments B.S.C (Closed) as a truly successful regional and international enterprise.
Its strategy is dedicated to expand and excel with a global vision. It employs state-of-the-art technologies to ensure an international competitive edge and stands ready for all future challenges.
Al Zayani Investments B.S.C (Closed) business portfolio includes diversified ventures into the automotive, banking, health care, manufacturing, real estate, service businesses, and food & beverages.
Honorary Chairman
Al Zayani Investments B.S.C (Closed) www.alzayani.com
Zayani Motors WLL www.zmotors.com
Euro Motors WLL www.euromotors.com.bh
Midal Solar www.midalcable.com
Zayani Leasing WLL www.alzayani.com
Zayani Properties WLL www.alzayani.com
Orient Motors Co. WLL www.alzayani.com
Bodyworks Co. WLL www.bodyworks.com.bh
Alzayani Industries WLL www.alzayani.com
Alzayani Foods WLL www.alzayani.com
Midal Cables Ltd. www.midalcable.com
First Motors WLL www.1stmotors.com
Aluwheel Company WLL www.midalcable.com
Metal Form WLL www.midalcable.com
Gulf Closures WLL www.csiclosures.com
Imerys Al Zayani Fused Minerals WLL www.imerys-fusedminerals.com
Vice Chairman - Investcorp Holdings B.S.C. www.investcorp.com
Chairman - Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Member- Corporate Governance Committee
Business Associations
British Chamber of Commerce Bahrain www.bbbforum.org
World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)- Bahrain www.wbaforum.org
President- National Advisory Council, Bahrain
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) www.cisi.org
Board Member
Bahrain Family Business Association www.bfba.com.bh
Founder & Co-Chairman
U.S.-Bahrain Business Council www.usbahraincouncil.com
Italy-Bahrain Business Council
Honorary Board Member
Bahrain India Society www.bahindsociety.org
Bahrain Chamber- Advisory Council www.bahrainchamber.bh
Bahrain Society www.bahrainsociety.uk
Philanthropy & Community Services Activities
Rashid Al Zayani Foundation www.rzmabara.com
Honorary Chairman
Bahrain Voluntary Work Society www.bahrainvolunteers.com
Al Jazeera Cultural Centre
Past Positions:
Founder & Chairman
The Bahrain Historical & Archaeological Society www.bahrainhistory.org
(1970 - 1980)
Rotary Club of Sulmaniya www.rotarysulmaniya.org
Bahrain Yacht Club
Founder & President
American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain (AmCham) www.amchambahrain.org
(2007 - 2009)
Founder & First Chairman
Bahrain Health & Safety Society www.bhssonline.com
(1979 - 1980)
Founder & Board Member
Bahrain Kuwait Insurance B.S.C. www.bkic.com
National Motors Company www.nmc.com.bh
Founder, Vice Chairman & Chairman of Executive Committee
Bahrain Islamic Bank www.bisb.com
(1979 – 2005)
Al Baraka Islamic Bank www.albaraka.bh
(2008 - 2020)
Investcorp Saudi Arabia Financial Investments Co. www.isafic.com
(2014 - 2020)
Bahrain Businessmen’s Association www.bbma.bh
Board Member
Bahrain Islamic Investments Co.
Bahrain Credit www.bahraincredit.com.bh
(1983 –2008)
International Chamber of Commerce, Bahrain National Committee
(1998 - 2008)
Takaful International www.takaful.bh
(1999 – 2005)
American Bahraini Friendship Society www.abfsdc.org
(2001– 2017)
Bahrain Economic Development Board www.bahrainedb.com
(2004 – 2006)
Member of Board of Trustees
University of Bahrain www.uob.edu.bh