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BBF Achievements Highlighted

Bahrain British Business Forum (BBBF) said it has further strengthened its position as the largest business group in Bahrain with new memberships and increased Special Interest Group activities.

This came during its Annual General meeting held at the Diplomat Radisson Blu yesterday as BBBF’s Chairman Khalid Al Zayani outlined last year’s accomplishments and summarised the BBBF’s financial report for 2017. The meeting was held in the presence of Simon Martin, the British Ambassador.

“Year on year, we continue to bolster our position as the largest and most active business group in Bahrain, with 2017 being no exception,” said Al Zayani during the meeting.

He also spoke about the need to encourage new young members to complement the diverse membership and bring fresh perspectives to the forum.

“The committee looks forward to making 2018 an even more successful year,” said Al Zayani.

BBBF’s business networking meetings regularly attracted over 100 members and guests at each function. Many new members joined the forum, representing all sectors of business.

Speakers at these gatherings have included high profile personalities from local organisations and government entities.

The forum’s Special Interest Groups (SIG), now totalling nine, continued developing with increased activities and participation throughout the year. A new SIG for Women in Business was introduced in 2017. The SIGs provide members and guests a valued medium for exchanging industry specific ideas and discussing issues relevant to a particular sector.

During the meeting, a business class ticket to London donated by Etihad Airways was raffled between the members present. Sanju Thomas from Etihad Airways presented the ticket to the lucky winner Mr. David Anthony.

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Khalid Rashid Al Zayani

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Kingdom of Bahrain

Tel: +973 17 531177

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